Easily upload and share Zip files online with fast, secure, and free hosting in just a few clicks.
With Static.run, you can upload your Zip files in seconds and generate a unique, shareable link for easy access. Whether it's a project folder, software package, or collection of documents, our free Zip file hosting feature offers reliable, secure, and lightning-fast sharing.
Upload and share your Zip files in just three simple steps. We make the process fast, secure, and hassle-free.
Create an account to get started and upload your Zip file for free.
Browse or drag and drop your Zip file and instantly receive a live, shareable URL with free SSL.
That’s it—your Zip file is online and ready to be shared!
Host Your Zip Files for Free – Quick and secure hosting at no cost.
Upload Zip File - It’s FreeAt Static.run, we provide all the tools you need for efficient Zip file hosting.
Create branded, easy-to-remember URLs for your Zip files with custom subdomains.
Every file is secured with an SSL certificate for safe, encrypted sharing.
Organize, update, and manage your Zip files effortlessly from a centralized dashboard.
Upload and manage your files on the go from any mobile device.
Your Zip files are hosted online within seconds, ready to be shared immediately.
Find quick answers to your questions and start hosting your Zip files today. Enjoy fast, secure, and hassle-free sharing!
Zip file hosting allows you to store and share compressed files online via a direct link. It’s a convenient way to distribute multiple files as a single package.
Yes, Static.run ensures all Zip files are automatically secured with SSL encryption, providing a safe and private sharing experience.
Yes, Static.run offers free hosting for Zip files. You can upload and share them without any charges.
After uploading your Zip file, you'll receive a unique URL that you can copy and share with others—no email attachments needed.
Currently, Static.run does not support password protection for files. However, SSL encryption ensures your files are shared securely.
Yes, Zip files hosted on Static.run are fully accessible on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Yes, with Static.run, you can use your custom domain to host Zip files for a branded, seamless experience.
You can organize and manage your files through the Static.run dashboard, where you can update or delete files as needed.
Simply upload the new version of your Zip file. The link will remain the same, and the latest version will replace the old one automatically.